Friday, September 19, 2008


The mind cannot see
the difference between
belief and knowing.

Those who are courageous
enough to surprise themselves,
can glimpse that all they have known
is simply a delusion.

And glimpse after glimpse
the belief system that we know
as ourselves will disappear.

Disappear because
it was never there.
It was simply the mind
projecting the past onto the future;
neither of which exists.

To see this game of projection
leads you to the present.
And in the present is no belief,
no falsity, and no shock.

A shock can bring you to the present,
and give you an insight into your aliveness.
It can help shatter your dreams
and help you live where there is
no past, no future, no dreams, no fear -
simply saying yes to what comes,
and yes to what goes.

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