Sunday, September 21, 2008

The Gang: Inspirations

At any time,
past, present, and future,
I would very much like to have
the pleasure of meeting:
if I were in the forest,
Buddhadasa Bhikkhu;
in New York,
Kahlil Gibran and
George Gurdjieff;
Mevlani Rumi;
and in hell,

I have a feeling that if
I were in the eternal blazing inferno
that our most recent beloved Catholic pope
has reminded us is actually real,
not metaphoric, I would also chance upon
at the same table as Osho,
George the ‘Black Devil’ Gurdjieff,
Buddhadasa the traitorous
thai Zen master,
no doubt the impious
Gibran and Rumi,
and most likely,
the remainder of the gang.

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